New Ego Luminous Battery
Step out in style, just let the Luminous Ego soak up plenty of light,
to get the full effect when in a dark place..
1. Model: Luminous battery
2. Button: diamond & Flat
3. Capacity: 900mAh & 1100mAh
4. Diameter:14mm
5. working voltage:3.2-4.2V
6. Charger: Ego
7. Charger time:2 - 5 hours
8. Single weight: 35g
9. 5 click on / off
Other info:
1. Pressing the button 5 times continuously within 2 seconds to turn on or off the unit,
indicator light will flash.
2. When used for longer than 7.5 seconds, the light flashes 5 times and the
unit stops working. Release the button then press again to continue vaping.
indicator light flashes 15 times after button pressed.
connected to power, indicator light keeps on during charging.
When charging finishes, indicator light flashes 6 times.